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 What to Expect 


We’d love you to come and try us out first before you join us officially.  You can join us if you are 16 and above and own and play a brass or woodwind instrument.  Under 16's please contact us to discuss how you can join us.


Once you are happy and would like to join us, your first year’s membership is £30. This includes a music file and a SLCBand polo shirt.


Thereafter, each September an annual membership fee will be payable which is currently £48 and can be paid in 1, 2 or 12 payments.  This works out at about £2 per rehearsal and is to cover room hire rates, insurance & sundries. No-one is paid by the Band.

Jo - when she first joined SLCBand



Rehearsals are held on average twice a month and require you to bring yourself, your instrument and if you have one, a music stand.  Doors open at 9:30am for us to start at 10am and finish at 12pm with a little break in the middle.  Don’t worry if you can’t attend every rehearsal.


You are given a file with all your music in that is yours

for you to take home a practice as required.  Some

don’t practice at all, some occasionally and some more religiously. I also email the youtube links to most of our music so you can practice along to them if you want.

Jo - after a few weeks playing with us!


We are open to playing in environments like school or church fetes where we can stay relaxed whilst entertaining the passing crowds. 


We do then have an annual event where we share our new music with our families. The Friends & Family Tea and Concert where we start with food, play some music, have some desserts and play some more music.

Our Trumpets - Emily, Andy & Paul

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